Fgura Coins

Discover everything related to crypto in the city of Fgura.

The town of Fgura is located in Malta's south-eastern region. As of March 2014, there were 11,670 people living there. The Cottonera Lines of fortifications surround its northern edges, and it combines with the settlements of 'abbar to the east and Paola and Tarxien to the west. Fgura, a contemporary village, was one of Malta's fastest-growing cities and had grown to the outskirts of the Grand Harbour region. In the central-southern region of the island, Fgura has developed into one of the most important commercial centres. The population density in Fgura is currently among the highest in the nation.

Leading City Coins



Jakarta, Indonesia

312 Participants· 4279 Interested


Paris, France

147 Participants· 4245 Interested


Lagos, Nigeria

131 Participants· 3317 Interested


Minneapolis, United States

102 Participants· 3027 Interested


Dubai, United Arab Emirates

78 Participants· 2387 Interested

Advantages of Fgura City Coins

Discover the unique advantages offered by the coins of the city of Fgura.

Encourage Local
Consumption in Fgura

Boost the Fgura economy by encouraging local consumption, avoid relocation and increase the ability of producers to hire.

Promote Fgura Savings and
Local Wealth Creation

Promote local wealth creation and savings with the validity of the Fgura Coins being limited to a territory and the service of the local economic force (small local shops, local producers, etc.).

Facilitate Economic

Facilitate economic cooperation between you the resident, and Fgura. Encourage city manufacturers to reduce the transportation of products and take action against climate change.

Social Initiatives

Receive a basic income each month by participating in common actions - selected by the Fgura community - for the good of the city.

Reduce Wealth
Inequality in Fgura

Provide the vast majority of the newly issued Fgura Coins to the residents as a form of universal basic income to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor.

Protect Fgura from International
Market Volatility

No need to worry about fueling market speculation with derivative assets. The Fgura Coins improve the territory in which they are administered, losing all value outside of it.


MTL 1.00

  • $0.27 USD
  • +0.44%

50,671 PTS


0 / 185


NYC - 53,057 PTS