Crypto trading per day
Transactions through digital payments
Worth crypto market cap, 8th largest economy globally

The Easiest Way to trade Cryptocurrencies
Easily and seamlessly exchange crypto, trade and sell crypto assets coins in a matter of minutes! Just sign up, connect your wallet to find the best trading opportunities on EGG.
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The Safest Crypto Exchange Platform with Lowest Entry Fees
We don’t have possession of your coins or private keys which ensures the highest security of your transactions. Use our crypto exchange platform as an aggregator of your wallets. exchange assets, send and receive crypto across multiple blockchains such as BSC, Solana, Avalanche, ETH, Polygon and many more DeFi ecosystems.Read More...
Sign UpExchange Crypto in 3 Easy Steps
Swap any digital asset you want through our user-friendly DeFi Aggregate platform with 3 easy steps:

Connect your wallet to MetaMask, Fortmatic, email, etc. Keep in mind that you will have to install the software on your computer. Once you’ve installed the software, you’ll get a popup on the right corner of the page, which is a signature request to give you permission to trade after confirmation. Once you’ve connected your wallet, you can go back to the trading platform.

On the trading platform, you will see a calculator, which calculates transaction fees based on the network you chose. For instance, ≈ 500 USD is equal to 0.1340871 ETH (≈ 476.44 USD). Once you’ve decided how much your deposit is, you can click on the “Trade Now” button.

Click on the “Trade Now”, and wait till there opens another popup on the upper corner, which will require your permission to transact. Confirm the trade and wait a few minutes until it is fully completed. Please note, that if you leave or refresh the page, the whole transaction will reset, and you will have to start all over.
Private Key Friction Elimination
It's a well-known fact that private keys are a single point of failure for public-key cryptographies. EGG enables you to securely and efficiently handle all your digital assets via Formatic, thus eliminating this point of failure.
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