🥚 EGG is now on Polygon at ≈0% Fees. 🥚

Discover the BUSD / BNB pool and start boosting your yield by mining liquidity on Pancakeswap from EGG.FI.
Volume (24h) : $ 0
Market Cap : $ 0

Binance USD (BUSD) is a 1:1 USD-backed stable coin issued by Binance (in partnership with Paxos), Approved and regulated by the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYDFS), The BUSD Monthly Audit Report can be viewed from the official website.

The Binance network includes the Binance Chain, Academy, Trusted Wallet and Research projects, which all employ the powers of blockchain technology to bring new-age finance to the world. Binance Coin is an integral part of the successful functioning of many of the Binance sub-projects.
