🥚 EGG is now on Polygon at ≈0% Fees. 🥚

Tycoon Airdrop

Tycoon airdrop is a leaderboard airdrop, complete some easy tasks and get points. The more points you have the more coins you will receive at the end of the airdrop. Rules In order for your points to count, you need to verify your email address. Your referral also needs to verify their email address so you can get your share. Entries are limited to 1 per person, double or more accounts are forbidden. Top 1 to 10 will receive $5,000 worth in tokens. Top 11 to 5,000 will receive $50 worth in tokens. Airdrop & Bounty tokens will be send to your provided ETH wallet, six month after we are listed on exchange. We reserve the rights to ban and block anyone who tries to cheat. Each round last 3 months (90 days).
$116 800/  $116 800
Airdrop finished
Estimated Value : N/A

Tycoon is the first fully-automatic social crypto trading platform with real cryptocurrency.

Tycoon serves as a secured interface between professional traders and end users. All activities of the traders are monitored via a secured API connection in real time and can be copied to a follower's portfolio automatically. Each user manages his own investments at his preferred exchange, being able to access his portfolio at any time.

Listed since early stage
