🥚 EGG is now on Polygon at ≈0% Fees. 🥚

SWFT Blockchain and Cointorox Airdrop

SWFT and Cointorox both are listed on CoinMarketCap. SWFT Blockchain is a next-generation, worldwide cross-chain transfer protocol and payment network. SWFT Blockchain’s technology combines blockchain, machine learning and big data to enable direct swaps between cryptocurrencies on different blockchains. SWFT Blockchain’s cryptocurrency transfer platform and wallet app offers one-click in-wallet transfers, decentralized transfers, price limit orders, and peer to peer payments, offering a fast, affordable, and secure crypto transfer experience. SWFT Blockchain has received funding from top VCs, including Draper Dragon.
$52 000/  $52 000
Airdrop finished
Estimated Value : $2.6

Create an account and Verify your email.
If approved, you will be rewarded with 100 SWFTC ($0.46) and 50 OROX ($2.2).

Listed since early stage
