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Mindexcoin Airdrop

Mindexcoin is an independent currency that stands out having its own blockchain system, wallet and offering an innovative payment system.
$81 000/  $81 000
Airdrop finished
Estimated Value : $1.8

Mindexcoin (MIC) is a cryptocurrency that emerged in 2017 with the goal of developing a financial system and easier, practical and intuitive payment platforms. The token used by Mindexcoin is EtherScan, that is, this token allows data operations in the Ethereum Decentralized Network. Mindexcoin is a new way of payment and a global currency option. They have constantly evolved, expanding their projects and each time conquering more. The Mindexcoin project has adapted, shaped itself to the needs and requirements of the market and is developing, day after day, as a solid cryptocurrency and a clear project.

Listed since early stage
