🥚 EGG is now on Polygon at ≈0% Fees. 🥚

INGOT Coin (Round 2) Airdrop

INGOT Coin is a decentralized cryptocurrency which provides benefits and discounts within the ecosystem itself. IC will be based on a ERC20 technology.

ICOTrack has rated this project 4.8/5. INGOT Coin only has a total supply of 120,000,000 hence we consider that a fair speculation that 1 ICC = $1. INGOT Coin has a team of 42 including advisors which is one of the largest projects we have come across. The project has already been mentioned on 30 different platforms and is affiliated with 16 partners, some of which includes the likes of Trade.io and CoinTraffic.

We highly recommend everyone to sign up to this, considering it only takes less than a few minutes and you can potentially earn just under $5 worth of tokens, this has got to be one of our all-time favourites. We wish the INGOT Coin team all the best with their project.

Listed since early stage
