🥚 EGG is now on Polygon at ≈0% Fees. 🥚

Incognito Airdrop

Incognito is airdropping 9$ worth of PRV tokens for completing some easy social media tasks, also receive an additional 5$ worth of PRV tokens for each referral. Token will be distributed on October 15th. Prv token may be will listed on the Biki, Kucoin exchange in the future.
$114 500/  $114 500
Airdrop finished
Estimated Value : $9

The Incognito mobile wallet that allows you to privately store, send and receive all your crypto assets. Turn on privacy for your BTC, ETH, DAI and more.Meet Node, a little helpful gadget that earns Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance and more for processing crypto transactions confidentially.

Listed since early stage
