🥚 EGG is now on Polygon at ≈0% Fees. 🥚

CryptoMillionsLotto Airdrop

CryptoMillionsLotto will be a driving force in creating a new and vast market, dramatically expanding the cryptocurrency universe by driving mass adoption to cryptocurrency use. Unlike conventional lottos, CryptoMillionsLotto will be truly global and will use cryptocurrency and blockchain to create a borderless and fully-transparent lotto experience.

CML consists of a team of 17. Both a one-pager and whitepaper are available to view on the website. The project has been seen on many global media channels, some of which including Yahoo Finance and Financial Times. The token has a total supply of 30M, in which 25M are available to be purchased. The other 5M will be used for reward purposes only. Airdrop programme is straightforward, in exchange for signing up you receive $20 worth of CML tokens.

Listed since early stage
