🥚 EGG is now on Polygon at ≈0% Fees. 🥚

Coin Trade Base Airdrop

Coin Trade Base is a multi-sided platform which incorporates different kinds of exchanges to shine user's experience and oversimplifies digital-to-fiat, digital-to-digital exchange among traders, investors and ordinary people.

Token sales are due to commence a week today and the final pre-sales will end at the end of December-18. In a nutshell, CTB is hoping to create an exchange in which their tokens will be used, the token can easily be converted to local currencies, any unsold tokens will be burned which will reduce the number of tokens in circulation which will increase demand over time. The team have LinkedIn profiles on the website and have been verified, the whitepaper looks decent.

We wish the CTB team all the best.

Listed since early stage
