🥚 EGG is now on Polygon at ≈0% Fees. 🥚

Apollo [KuCoin] Airdrop

Apollo currency is the world's first all-in-one cryptocurrency incorporating every useful feature utilized in top-tier currencies and combining those with unmatched privacy, all in a single decentralized platform.
$134 550/  $134 550
Airdrop finished
Estimated Value : $2.3

Apollo is hosting an airdrop in which individuals can earn up to 3,000 APL tokens. The Airdrop consists of instructions needed to vote for Apollo to be listed on the KuCoin exchange.

We believe Apollo has a great shot at being one of the top 20 currencies. It has enormous potential in many capacities. For one it includes the option for private or public transactions. All of the largest privacy coins in the market do not include a public transaction option, this is critical for mass adoption. Apollo has brought features that have previously only been available outside of the private market. Apart from being a potentially major player in the token/ICO market (They will have a smart contract and side chain system like Ethereum).

Listed since early stage
