Exchange YetiSwap
今天的实时YetiSwap价格为$ 0.0008美元,24小时交易量为$116 359美元。我们实时更新YTS到usd的价格。 YetiSwap是down 0%在过去24小时。目前coinmarketcap的排名是#3180,实时市值为$85 795 usd。
什么是 YetiSwap(yts)?
"YetiSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) and NFT marketplace , running on the Avalanche blockchain. Yeti Swap uses the same automated market-making (AMM) model as Uniswap and features a native governance token called YTS that is fully community driven, with users capable of trading all native Avalanche tokens. In a crowded marketplace with multiple contenders, YetiSwap offers three critically important benefits: fast and cost-efficient trades, with a fair and open token distribution system. YetiSwap is the only NFT marketplace offering royalties on Avalanche, profiting both NFT artists and collection owners."
YetiSwap 价格