Exchange Unizen
今天的实时Unizen价格为$ 0.12美元,24小时交易量为$1 204 320美元。我们实时更新ZCX到usd的价格。 Unizen是down -6.04%在过去24小时。目前coinmarketcap的排名是#634,实时市值为$80 917 857 usd。 它的流通供应量为688 927 747 ZCX币,最大。供应量 946 938 570 ZCX币。
什么是 Unizen(zcx)?
Unizen is a working framework for cross-chain empowered trade applications. Applications on Unizen are alluded to as modules that gets onboarded onto the environment. This permits dealers to get to a plenty of exchanging items both decentralized and brought together, by associating with the full item development or through Unizen's exchange conglomeration calculations.
Unizen gives a straightforward point of interaction that takes care of all exchanging personas to obtain any resource, for the best charges across a large number of liquidity pools. Unizen CeFi module is fueled by Binance Cloud, which we should clients execute exchanges against Binance-shared liquidity on the platform.
ZCX is the local utility symbolic that is utilized for:
* Dynamic Multi-Asset Staking
* Reduced exchanging fees
* Exchange Governance
* Direct Access to ZenX Labs Portfolio
Unizen 价格
- -6.04%