Exchange Tengu
今天的实时Tengu价格为$ 0.000051美元,24小时交易量为$0美元。我们实时更新TENGU到usd的价格。 Tengu是down 0%在过去24小时。目前coinmarketcap的排名是#,实时市值为$0 usd。
什么是 Tengu(tengu)?
TenguSwap is an automatic liquidity acquisition yield farm and decentralized exchange running on Binance Smart Chain with lots of unique and creative features that let you earn and win. By stacking your funds in our farms and pools you will get rewards in our main token (TENGU). However, you'll have several choices on how to use your TENGU, the traditional yield farming method and our special feature for our long-term investors. • You can use your TENGU to create LP TENGU/BUSD and TENGU/BNB to farm even more TENGU and you can also stack your TENGU in the TENGU pool. • You can swap your TENGU for the token of your choice. • You can swap your TENGU for our special token, the Great TENGU (GTENGU) to get rewards directly in BNB and BUSD. By stacking your GTENGU in Blessing Pools, your rewards will not be in TENGU or GTENGU but directly in BNB and BUSD.
Tengu 价格
- 0%