Exchange Savix
今天的实时Savix价格为$ 0.81美元,24小时交易量为$24 526美元。我们实时更新SVX到usd的价格。 Savix是up 9.55%在过去24小时。目前coinmarketcap的排名是#3326,实时市值为$62 667 usd。 它的流通供应量为78 088 SVX币,最大。供应量 81 955 SVX币。
什么是 Savix(svx)?
Savix is a token with a predictable inflation mechanic built into the ERC-20 protocol. Newly generated tokens get distributed evenly to all wallets free of any gas/fees. A user has to simply hold the coin to receive his share every 2 hours. The yearly inflation rate starts at 85% and decreases over time to 8% after 5 years.