Exchange Pitquidity
今天的实时Pitquidity价格为$ 0.0000013美元,24小时交易量为$0美元。我们实时更新PITQD到usd的价格。 Pitquidity是down 0%在过去24小时。目前coinmarketcap的排名是#,实时市值为$0 usd。
什么是 Pitquidity(pitqd)?
Pitquidity is a Passive Income token that incorporates various decentralized finance activities such as liquidity pool, delegation staking and node management, into the project while returning 50% of the weekly profits back to the holders in the native token on which the PITQD token was bought (ETH or BNB). Pitquidity specializes in rare crypto assets that may be hard for many to obtain, yet provides an opportunity for investors to share in the access to and profits of said assets.
Pitquidity 价格