Exchange Pinkcoin
今天的实时Pinkcoin价格为$ 0.000025美元,24小时交易量为$2美元。我们实时更新PINK到usd的价格。 Pinkcoin是down 0%在过去24小时。目前coinmarketcap的排名是#3992,实时市值为$11 729 usd。 它的流通供应量为469 667 867 PINK币,最大。供应量 500 000 000 PINK币。
什么是 Pinkcoin(PINK)?
Pinkcoin is a x11 PoW/PoS digital money with an absolute coin supply of 380 million coins. The Proof-of-Work period went on for the initial 20,000 square that required 7 days to finish. There is a 1% stake interest each year. Pinkcoin has no pre-mine nor IPO however there is some sign of instamine for the initial 186 squares as indicated by a code review conducted.
Pinkcoin 价格