Exchange Nodestats
今天的实时Nodestats价格为$ 0.00086美元,24小时交易量为$2美元。我们实时更新NS到usd的价格。 Nodestats是up 1.35%在过去24小时。目前coinmarketcap的排名是#,实时市值为$0 usd。
什么是 Nodestats(ns)?
The meaning of NodeStats is, to get the information you need to be presented right away. No more browsing around to find the right information and no more using the calculator. Then there will be a blockchain voting system, where we use the NS coin for voting on different things on the website. It could be a coin listing or a new feature. This is to give the users the option for influence on what they need on the website. So it will not always be up to the coin developers to list on the service, but now the users can too. The new votings will be posted here when we are ready so keep an eye on the website. To request a coin or a feature, the user needs to join the discord server and post their suggestions in the request channels. Then we will look at them, and make votings from them. I hope this new website will bring you a lot of useful information for your investing, and that you will use the system for future listings and features.
Nodestats 价格
- +1.35%