Exchange Newton Coin Project
今天的实时Newton Coin Project价格为$ 0.0000032美元,24小时交易量为$0美元。我们实时更新NCP到usd的价格。 Newton Coin Project是down 0%在过去24小时。目前coinmarketcap的排名是#,实时市值为$0 usd。
什么是 Newton Coin Project(ncp)?
Newton Coin Project was created to help fund research and development projects in the medical and renewable energy fields. It is no secret, that many important medical research projects in the world are underfunded or completely lack funding altogether. Our mission with Newton Project is to change that. We believe that through our commitment to helping fund these projects, we can aid in potentially finding cures for many diseases that still plague humanity. However, that is just one area of research we intend on focusing on. Newton Coin Project is also looking to fund research and development of new forms of renewable energy. Many communities in under developed countries would greatly benefit from low cost renewable energy projects. Because Newton Coin is a crypto project, Newton will fund other crypto projects in this field as well as any scientific research that supports Newton Coin and the community. One of our goals is to make Newton Coin the primary payment system in the research and science field. The success of our project means the ability to make important changes in the world. Ultimately, in order for this to happen, we need YOU, to help us achieve our goal.
Newton Coin Project 价格
- 0%