Exchange Mirror Protocol
今天的实时Mirror Protocol价格为$ 0.019美元,24小时交易量为$203 910美元。我们实时更新MIR到usd的价格。 Mirror Protocol是down -19.41%在过去24小时。目前coinmarketcap的排名是#2536,实时市值为$2 922 441 usd。 它的流通供应量为156 055 227 MIR币,最大。供应量 370 574 989 MIR币。
什么是 Mirror Protocol(mir)?
What are Mirrored Assets?
MIR is the administration badge of Mirror Protocol, an engineered resources convention worked by Terraform Labs (TFL) on the Terra blockchain.
Mirror Protocol is decentralized from day 1, with the on-chain depository and code changes administered by holders of the MIR token. TFL has no expectation of keeping or selling MIR tokens, and there are no administrator keys or unique access honors allowed. The purpose for this is to be a totally decentralized, local area driven project.
Mirrored resources are blockchain tokens that act like ""mirror"" variants of genuine resources by mirroring the trade costs on-chain. They give merchants the value openness to genuine resources while empowering partial possession, open access and oversight obstruction as some other cryptographic money. Dissimilar to conventional tokens which address a genuine, hidden resource, mAssets are simply manufactured and just catch the value development of the comparing asset.
Mirror Protocol 价格
- -19.41%