Exchange LABEL Foundation
今天的实时LABEL Foundation价格为$ 0.0024美元,24小时交易量为$648 599美元。我们实时更新LBL到usd的价格。 LABEL Foundation是down -6.39%在过去24小时。目前coinmarketcap的排名是#2600,实时市值为$2 750 508 usd。 它的流通供应量为1 141 369 174 LBL币,最大。供应量 3 000 000 000 LBL币。
什么是 LABEL Foundation(lbl)?
LABEL is an unmatched NFT framework based on top of Ethereum Network, controlled by LBL utility and administration token with a brought together objective to lay out a fair benefit offering biological system to the permissionless joining of IP freedoms. Mark gives a decentralized P2P hatching stage to put resources into elite diversion instruction content through the DAO casting a ballot framework to additionally permit supporters of guarantee benefits through the NFT shareholding mechanism.
The LABEL stage develops an environment that lays out a fair and decentralized brooding framework, that implies to give the substance makers in the MOOC business more straightforward admittance to the speculation, advancement and dispersion of their IP privileges, subsequently expects to further develop an unjustifiable benefit structure that exists in the circle, endeavoring to forestall copyright encroachment cases across the business.
The progressive subsidizing access for the substance makers and the financial backers introduced in the P2P brooding arrangement of the LABEL Foundation is a fundamental point of support that is tie to carry a higher degree of reception to the NFTs, by permitting the assorted substance makers to NFTize their IP freedoms to permit the financial backers to subsidize the imminent courses, that can turn into the most productive and persuasive one in the LABEL’s stage. The benefiting from these IP privileges can be gotten to by the LBL Holders that will stake their tokens in the DAO administration instrument to have the option to decide on which course will get to enlist and get the funding in the LABEL’s ecosystem.
LABEL Foundation 价格
- -6.39%