Exchange Ignore Fud


今天的实时Ignore Fud价格为$ 0.0000011美元,24小时交易量为$16美元。我们实时更新4TOKEN到usd的价格。 Ignore Fud是down -2.15%在过去24小时。目前coinmarketcap的排名是#6613,实时市值为$25 002 usd。 它的流通供应量为22 476 576 577 4TOKEN币,最大。供应量 40 000 000 000 4TOKEN币。

什么是 Ignore Fud(4token)?

"What is the project about? A new kind of meme token that supports DeFi and Blockchain innovations.

What makes your project unique? Community-focused and driven. Open to everyone's contribution with fair launch and no dev team token allocation. Automatic LP Every SELL contributes towards auto-generating 4TOKEN\/CORE Liquidity. RFI Static Rewards Holders earn passive $USDT rewards instead of same 4TOKEN through static and unique reflection.

History of your project. The Ignore Fud Project was created to help Coredao, Binance and the cryptocurrency industry as a whole and get more people to use and adopt cryptocurrencies. We provide a community-centric meme ecosystem, a unique hold to earn with exposure to a large and strong community of users from all over the world.

What\u2019s next for your project? A meme token at first. But in the future, we will create the following use cases:

1. Make a Blockchain Validator\/Staking Node like CORE Staking Node, ADA Staking Node, BNB Staking Node, Cosmos Staking Node, New Blockchains with Staking Node, and even other potential Tokens that earn staking rewards.

2. NFT Marketplace with 4,000 Ignore Fud NFT Collections.

3. Compounding Crypto Asset \"Vaults\"

4. Decentralized Exchange (DEX)

5. The rest are suggestions and ideas from the community.

What can your token be used for? The 4TOKEN
\u20184TOKEN\u2019 is the official Token of Ignore Fud. It will be a community focused Meme token that forms part of the expanding CoreDao chain ecosystem. 4TOKEN is a Hold-to-Earn Stablecoin $USDT."

Ignore Fud 价格


  • -2.15%












余额: 0



余额: 0

