Exchange Ethereum Name Service
今天的实时Ethereum Name Service价格为$ 25.53美元,24小时交易量为$75 757 722美元。我们实时更新ENS到usd的价格。 Ethereum Name Service是down -4%在过去24小时。目前coinmarketcap的排名是#103,实时市值为$846 594 583 usd。 它的流通供应量为33 165 585 ENS币,最大。供应量 100 000 000 ENS币。
什么是 Ethereum Name Service(ENS)?
The Ethereum Name Service (ENS) is a disseminated, open, and extensible naming framework in view of the Ethereum blockchain.
ENS’s work is to plan comprehensible names like ‘alice.eth’ to machine-meaningful identifiers, for example, Ethereum addresses, other digital money addresses, content hashes, and metadata. ENS likewise upholds ‘reverse resolution’, making it conceivable to relate metadata, for example, standard names or point of interaction depictions with Ethereum addresses.
ENS has comparable objectives to DNS, the Internet’s Domain Name Service, however has fundamentally unique design because of the abilities and imperatives given by the Ethereum blockchain. Like DNS, ENS works on an arrangement of speck isolated progressive names called spaces, with the proprietor of an area having full command over subdomains.
Top-level areas, as ‘.eth’ and ‘.test’, are possessed by shrewd agreements called enlistment centers, which determine rules administering the assignment of their subdomains. Anybody may, by keeping the guidelines forced by these recorder contracts, get responsibility for area for their own utilization. ENS additionally upholds bringing in DNS names previously possessed by the client for use on ENS.
Because of the hierarchal idea of ENS, any individual who claims a space at any level might arrange subdomains - for themselves or others - as wanted. For example, assuming Alice claims 'alice.eth', she can make 'pay.alice.eth' and arrange it as she wishes.
ENS is conveyed on the Ethereum fundamental organization and on a few test organizations. Assuming you utilize a library, for example, the ensjs Javascript library, or an end-client application, it will consequently distinguish the organization you are associating with and utilize the ENS arrangement on that network.
Ethereum Name Service 价格
- -4%