Exchange Darwinia Network Native Token
今天的实时Darwinia Network Native Token价格为$ 0.0022美元,24小时交易量为$60 265美元。我们实时更新RING到usd的价格。 Darwinia Network Native Token是up 0.21%在过去24小时。目前coinmarketcap的排名是#2621,实时市值为$3 597 914 usd。 它的流通供应量为1 627 962 038 RING币,最大。供应量 2 084 429 264 RING币。
什么是 Darwinia Network Native Token(ring)?
RING is the local badge of Darwinia Network. It's utilized to pay for the GAS expense of the on-chain exchanges and cross-chain administrations. RING can be marked for marking rewards and acquiring casting a ballot ability to take part in the governance.
Darwinia Network is a decentralized heterogeneous cross-chain span convention based on Substrate, fills in as basic framework for interoperability across the blockchain networks. Darwinia Network centers around decentralized cross-chain token trade, trade, and market and empowers single-affix application move up to cross-chain rendition, including Defi, Game, DEX, NFT market, and that's just the beginning. Its vision is to assemble the future Internet of Tokens.
Darwinia Network Native Token 价格
- +0.21%