Exchange Celo
今天的实时Celo价格为$ 0.38美元,24小时交易量为$66 599 243美元。我们实时更新CELO到usd的价格。 Celo是down -26.33%在过去24小时。目前coinmarketcap的排名是#270,实时市值为$211 963 834 usd。 它的流通供应量为562 409 367 CELO币,最大。供应量 1 000 000 000 CELO币。
什么是 Celo(celo)?
Celo empowers investment on the Platform, with the valuable chance to acquire prizes through network cooperation. Celo’s security component and token financial matters are planned so that interest for cGLD straightforwardly increments as interest for Celo Dollars (cUSD) and other stable worth resources increases.
cGLD is a local cryptographic advanced resource made at the mainnet arrival of the Celo Platform. cGLD has no relationship to physical gold.
cGLD is a utility and administration resource expected to take part on the Celo Platform. A few purposes include:
Running a validator to get and work parts of the Celo Platform
Voting for validators attempting to get and work the Celo Platform
Participating in administration choices to impact the fate of the Celo Platform
Supporting applications on the platform
cGLD shapes part of the overcollateralized hold that upholds the Celo stable worth resources (at first Celo Dollar or cUSD).
The Celo Protocol naturally adds cGLD to the save at whatever point the Celo stable worth resource supply increases.
Celo 价格
- -26.33%