Exchange Catex Token
今天的实时Catex Token价格为$ 0.000038美元,24小时交易量为$5美元。我们实时更新CATT到usd的价格。 Catex Token是down 0%在过去24小时。目前coinmarketcap的排名是#8830,实时市值为$155 usd。 它的流通供应量为4 030 161 CATT币,最大。供应量 1 904 238 170 CATT币。
什么是 Catex Token(catt)?
What is the Catex Exchange?
The Catex Exchange conveys 80% of its day to day income through the mining rationale to those holding the catt token. Our trade is recently opened and turns out high day to day revenue. You can acquire up to 10% of your catt that you hold your wallet by mining hourly.
Catex Token 价格