Exchange Bgogo Token
今天的实时Bgogo Token价格为$ 0.0005美元,24小时交易量为$0美元。我们实时更新BGG到usd的价格。 Bgogo Token是down 0%在过去24小时。目前coinmarketcap的排名是#2355,实时市值为$494 383 usd。 它的流通供应量为988 070 351 BGG币,最大。供应量 10 000 000 000 BGG币。
什么是 Bgogo Token(bgg)?
BGG is the token given by Bgogo stage which is the confirmation of stake for the exchanging foundation. As far as possible measure of BGG is 10 billion without extra open contribution. BGG will compensate dynamic clients with exchange mining. Likewise, under the elite “self-governance” mode, each supernode has the full prudence to show one cryptocurrency.
Negative exchanging fees
50% of absolute stage token BGG will be utilized to remunerate clients where clients will get exchanging expenses back in the equivalent measure of BGG. Clients will get 105% high-recurrence exchanging expense return like clockwork as a reward.
BGG Token Buyback
Every 24 hours, Bgogo will utilize 100 percent of the exchanging commision amassed to repurchase BGG. The buyback tokens will be shipped off a consume address made public.
How to acquire BGG?
1. Mining: exchanging on BGG is considered as mining, for example 105% exchanging expense return.
2. Buying: clients can acquire BGG by exchanging.
Bgogo Token 价格
- 0%