Exchange Bata
今天的实时Bata价格为$ 0.2美元,24小时交易量为$6美元。我们实时更新BTA到usd的价格。 Bata是down 0%在过去24小时。目前coinmarketcap的排名是#2757,实时市值为$1 007 399 usd。 它的流通供应量为5 055 254 BTA币,最大。供应量 10 000 000 BTA币。
什么是 Bata(BTA)?
Bata (BTA), or Barter And Trade Alternative, portrays itself as a digital money that has been created to supplant exchange dollars conventional bargain frameworks. Bata means to change way the manner in which individuals exchange by presenting Barter on the Blockchain. The venture's vision is to present another arrangement of trade (called Barterchain) that plans to make new positions and help split away from the ongoing arrangement of obligation based money.
The group asserts that BATA has the accompanying features:
-Dynamic Blocks - Based on block level and trouble (implies no modest blocks)
-Instamine security - Instamine insurance will set off after 5 squares of a solitary calculation are mined in a brief time of time.
-Deadlock assurance - Difficulty is diminished in any event, when no new squares are found, new squares are mined a lot quicker even after a time of extremely high hash rate.
-Spork command over block handling - The group professes to have full control of square handling without the requirement for wallet upgrades.
#Sha256d, Scrypt, Nist5, Lyra2z, x11, x16r