Exchange SolRazr

Живые данные о цене solr

Живая цена SolRazr сегодня составляет $ 0.043 usd с 24-часовым объемом торгов $17 652 usd. Мы обновляем цену SOLR в usd в режиме реального времени. SolRazr - up 10.77% за последние 24 часа. Текущий рейтинг coinmarketcap - #, с реальным рыночным капиталом $0 usd.

Что такое SolRazr (solr)?

SolRazr is intended to be the true raising money and engineer stage for projects expand on Solana, meaning to help the development of DeFi, NFTs and web3 applications that can scale.

Key issues SolRazr is solving
Retail financial backers today face a developing test with regards to supporting and turning into a piece of the early development period of the cutting edge thoughts and undertakings based on the quickest developing organization - Solana. SolRazr takes care of this issue by giving admittance to projects through fair and decentralized allocations.
For the tasks and engineers, SolRazr gives the capacity to raise capital at lightning speeds in a genuinely decentralized way, assisting them with fashioning solid networks for long haul support
In expansion to assisting projects with raising capital, SolRazr likewise gives admittance to a large group of designer apparatuses to assist them with building quick on Solana and go-to advertise early.

Key Features
Tradable Allocations: Reimagining token deal whitelists and assignments by utilizing the force of NFTs on Solana.
Accelerator: Under Accelerator program - we brood projects, assist with go-to showcase procedure and give instruments to assemble quick on Solana.
Developer Tools: Helping project engineers construct quick and send off quicker via robotizing token framework organization on Solana.
Cross-chain Pools: Built on Solana wormhole, cross-chain pools permit networks from different chains to put straightforwardly into Solana projects.



  • +10.77%






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