Exchange Quantstamp

Живые данные о цене QSP

Живая цена Quantstamp сегодня составляет $ 0.0052 usd с 24-часовым объемом торгов $38 366 usd. Мы обновляем цену QSP в usd в режиме реального времени. Quantstamp - up 15.95% за последние 24 часа. Текущий рейтинг coinmarketcap - #1919, с реальным рыночным капиталом $3 687 690 usd. У нее есть оборотное предложение 713 801 914 QSP монет и макс. Предложение 976 442 468 QSP монет.

Что такое Quantstamp (QSP)?

Quantstamp is a security-inspecting convention for shrewd agreements. As an applications stage, Ethereum has demonstrated its security over and over. Be that as it may, applications and shrewd agreements on top of Ethereum might in any case have bugs in which noxious players can cause ruin on the organization. The two most striking instances of these being the $55 million DAO hack and the $30 million Parity wallet bug. These issues not just influence individuals who’ve had their assets taken, yet they likewise reduce the validity of the whole ecosystem.

Quantstamp is making savvy contracts safer through computerized programming testing and an arrangement of bug bounties. Albeit beginning with Ethereum, the group is building the convention to be accessible on any DApp stage in the long run.In an industry where security is an essential concern and bugs have caused the robbery of millions of dollars, Quantstamp ought to assist with legitimizing blockchain projects and guarantee that huge scope brilliant agreement hacks are a thing of the past.

Quantstamp held a fruitful ICO in November 2017 in which the group raised somewhat more than $30 million dollars. They appropriated 650 million (65%) QSP out of the 1 billion absolute stock to ICO members at a cost of $0.072 per token. After the typical post-ICO unpredictability, the QSP cost balanced out at around $0.10 (~0.000005 BTC) through the finish of November. The cost pursued the direction of the altcoin market and rose quickly to an unequaled high of $0.82 (~0.000051 BTC) before leisurely tumbling to its ongoing cost of ~$0.286. The QSP cost endured the start of the year market ruin better compared to most other altcoins.

Quantstamp PRICE


  • +15.95%






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