Exchange Malt Stablecoin

Живые данные о цене malt

Живая цена Malt Stablecoin сегодня составляет $ 0 usd с 24-часовым объемом торгов $7 usd. Мы обновляем цену MALT в usd в режиме реального времени. Malt Stablecoin - down 0% за последние 24 часа. Текущий рейтинг coinmarketcap - #, с реальным рыночным капиталом $0 usd.

Что такое Malt Stablecoin (malt)?

Malt is a yield farmable, motivating force driven algorithmic stable coin.
MALT utilizes two instruments to settle.
1. Holding LP, Farming LP tokens from the Malt + “Other” AMM pool (for example Malt/DAI LP pool) and afterward getting compensations in the “Other” token each time Malt moves above stake. While the cost stays stable LPs get a decent APY in Malt.
2. Exchange barters, Pledging the “Other” token to exchange barters when the cost plunges underneath stake, remunerating the proprietor with a premium likewise paid in the “Other” token.

Auctions for the arb tokens keep going for either 30 minutes or until a pre-indicated measure of cash is raised. The cost of the arb token starts at $1 and diminishes consistently across the 30 minutes, or until the ideal capital is raised.
Arb tokens are then consequently reclaimed for you by the convention at an identical worth of $1 per token. This offers a productive premium on arb tokens bought beneath $1.

Further more MALT utilizes Protocol-controlled esteem, in our utilization case we call that Liquidity Extension. The essential utilization of LE is to help with supply constriction through interest in the exchange barters. In particular, during barters, each and every arb token bought by a member has a comparing LE contribution.

Malt Stablecoin PRICE


  • 0%






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