Exchange Hydro

Живые данные о цене hydro

Живая цена Hydro сегодня составляет $ 0.00077 usd с 24-часовым объемом торгов $9 698 usd. Мы обновляем цену HYDRO в usd в режиме реального времени. Hydro - down -9.93% за последние 24 часа. Текущий рейтинг coinmarketcap - #3298, с реальным рыночным капиталом $33 089 usd. У нее есть оборотное предложение 42 861 954 HYDRO монет и макс. Предложение 111 110 535 HYDRO монет.

Что такое Hydro (hydro)?

Hydro empowers new and existing private frameworks to consistently incorporate and use the permanent and straightforward elements of a public blockchain to upgrade application and report security, personality the board, exchanges, and fake intelligence.

Hydro empowers engineers to flawlessly send blockchain in their current applications, without the need to make costly foundation. Assuming you are building a fintech application in effective money management, investment funds, or protection, Hydrogen is now utilizing the Hydro blockchain innovation. Through the Hydrogen API, you can fabricate a blockchain application without being a blockchain developer.

The proposed innovation is called “Raindrop” - an exchange performed through a brilliant agreement that approves private framework access freely, and can supplement existing private verification strategies. The innovation is expected to give extra security to delicate monetary information that is progressively in danger from hacking and breaks. Introductory execution of the Hydro Raindrop is performed on the Hydrogen API Platform. This secluded arrangement of APIs is accessible to ventures and engineers universally to model, form, test, and convey refined monetary innovation stages and products.

The Hydro Raindrop will be made accessible to the world designer local area as open source programming, to permit designers to incorporate the Hydro Raindrop with any REST API.



  • -9.93%






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