Exchange Canada Coin

Живые данные о цене cadax

Живая цена Canada Coin сегодня составляет $ 0 usd с 24-часовым объемом торгов $1 082 usd. Мы обновляем цену CADAX в usd в режиме реального времени. Canada Coin - down 0% за последние 24 часа. Текущий рейтинг coinmarketcap - #, с реальным рыночным капиталом $0 usd.

Что такое Canada Coin (cadax)?

CADAX is the establishment badge of a multi utility stage combination. At base level it means to use its cause charge for its philanthropic objectives to give help to oppressed youngsters through the measurably demonstrated advantages of youth sports. It's expense model gives dependable advantages to the individuals who hold and deter selling through its utilization of its cake rewards framework. With the V2 send off numerous upgrades have proactively been carried out and is set up to send off CADA Scan. CADA Scan is a cutting edge symbolic examining application which will caution clients of expected tricks through a few algorithmic examination and symptomatic apparatuses. V2 has additionally opened up admittance to future tasks, for example, NFT commercial center, token platform, gaming, and any state of the art utility applications that CADAX could use in its arsenal.

Canada Coin PRICE


  • 0%






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