Exchange SoonSwap

PROJECTO_SYMBOL Preço Dados em Tempo Real

O preço ao vivo SoonSwap hoje é $ 0.022 usd com um volume de negociação de 24 horas de $499 492 usd. Actualizamos o nosso SOON para preço usd em tempo real. SoonSwap é down -8.87% nas últimas 24 horas. A classificação actual do coinmarketcap é #1705, com um preço de mercado vivo de $6 515 676 usd. Tem um fornecimento circulante de 303 259 199O SOON moedas e o máximo. Fornecimento de: de 649 513 038O SOON moedas.

What Is SoonSwap (soon)?

"What is the project about?
SoonSwap is the first NFT marketplace with \"Limit order & AMM pool\" model & Farm to enable more NFTs to circulate in real-time.

What makes your project unique?
The exclusive \"Limit order & AMM pool\" model & Farm enable more NFTs to circulate in real-time and provide liquidity to the NFT market.

History of your project.
Q1 2023
1. Complete all the R&D work.
2. Community development.
3. Partnership development.
4. WL test on Ethereum testnet.
5. Seed round fundraising.

What\u2019s next for your project?
Q2 2023
1. Production function optimization and UI upgrade.
2. Public test, audit, and bug fixes.
3. $SOON token airdrop.
4. IDO on multiple launchpads.
5. Mainnet launch on Ethereum, a new journey.
6. IEO and $SOON listing on CEXs and DEXs.
Q3 2023
1. Develop strategy and ecological partnership.
2. List new NFT collections and create more farming pools to improve their liquidity.
3. Issue SoonSwap PFP NFTs.
4. Community governance via $SOON and SoonSwap NFT.
Q4 2023
1. Product function optimization, bringing in more trading-related features to meet the demands of users with different backgrounds.
2. Product version upgrade, make SoonSwap safer, more decentralized, and an open NFT marketplace.

What can your token be used for?
1. Governance
2. Transaction Fee
3. Earning Protocol Revenue
4. Liquidity Incentive
Details: https:\/\/\/soonswap\/token-utility-of-soon-the-native-token-of-soonswap-84f786a129fb




  • -8.87%






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Fully Diluted Market Cap





Balanço: 0



Balanço: 0


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