Exchange Meta Islands
PROJECTO_SYMBOL Preço Dados em Tempo Real
O preço ao vivo Meta Islands hoje é $ 0.044 usd com um volume de negociação de 24 horas de $8 usd. Actualizamos o nosso IGO para preço usd em tempo real. Meta Islands é down 0% nas últimas 24 horas. A classificação actual do coinmarketcap é #, com um preço de mercado vivo de $0 usd.
What Is Meta Islands (igo)?
Meta Islands is a protocol that allows its players to create islands that earn them rewards in IGO every day. There are several types of islands with different APYs and different prices. The next step is to unveil the NFTs that will allow players to customize their islands as well as improve the APY. The long term goal is to develop a metaverse that allows players to interact with each other while taking the codes of p2e: fights between islands, NFT stores on the islands, customization, visits to the islands, tolls on the island,...
PREÇO DO Meta Islands
- 0%
Tampa do mercado
Fully Diluted Market Cap