Exchange Lithium Finance
PROJECTO_SYMBOL Preço Dados em Tempo Real
O preço ao vivo Lithium Finance hoje é $ 0.00023 usd com um volume de negociação de 24 horas de $223 773 usd. Actualizamos o nosso LITH para preço usd em tempo real. Lithium Finance é down -7.74% nas últimas 24 horas. A classificação actual do coinmarketcap é #3247, com um preço de mercado vivo de $1 971 088 usd. Tem um fornecimento circulante de 8 411 340 865O LITH moedas e o máximo. Fornecimento de: de 10 000 000 000O LITH moedas.
What Is Lithium Finance (lith)?
Lithium Finance is the principal decentralized information prophet arrangement that utilizes aggregate insight to consistently cost illiquid resources that are at present challenging to esteem.
Lithium joins valuing prophets along with monetary impetuses to guarantee fair data is compensated and malevolent data is rebuffed. The outcome is precise, incessant evaluating data of practically all difficult to esteem resources: pre-IPO stocks, private value, and other illiquid resources. Our local token LITH will be utilized as an award component for information inquiries and replies, it can likewise be utilized for marking to imply certainty on the rightness of answers and acquire extra rewards.
Making utilization of calculations in light of long stretches of scholarly exploration by Harvard University and other driving foundations, Lithium will be the last piece of the riddle expected to close the holes between Trad-Fi and DeFi. By evaluating the unpriced with publicly supporting, it will give exceptionally precise resource valuation data to DeFi conventions, brokers and speculation investors that benefit the whole monetary market.
PREÇO DO Lithium Finance
- -7.74%
Tampa do mercado
Fully Diluted Market Cap