Exchange Huobi Token

PROJECTO_SYMBOL Preço Dados em Tempo Real

O preço ao vivo Huobi Token hoje é $ 1.2 usd com um volume de negociação de 24 horas de $57 135 usd. Actualizamos o nosso HT para preço usd em tempo real. Huobi Token é up 1.03% nas últimas 24 horas. A classificação actual do coinmarketcap é #389, com um preço de mercado vivo de $191 812 042 usd. Tem um fornecimento circulante de 159 406 077O HT moedas e o máximo. Fornecimento de: de 201 050 000O HT moedas.

What Is Huobi Token (ht)?

Huobi, the third-biggest digital money trade on the planet, as of late declared and sent off another cash. The Huobi Token (HT) rewards trade clients for their devotion with brought down exchange expenses while additionally conveying its own worth in tradable matches against famous monetary standards. The expectation was to carry more prominent worth to Huobi’s a great many clients, for the most part situated in Asian nations. The send off of the Huobi Token continues in the strides of other faithfulness building tokens that different trades have sent off. The first and best of these tokens has been Binance Coin (BNB). The making of BNB got Binance’s place as the world’s driving trade. It offered limited exchanging charges trade for client devotion, fundamentally working as a dedication rewards system.

Huobi authoritatively declared its aims to send off another token on January 22, 2018. Throughout the span of 15 days, Huobi would appropriate 300 million HT (60% of the absolute stockpile) to star clients bought a limited assistance bundle. Every morning, another group of HT would open up on a first come, first served premise. Huobi proclaimed this symbolic appropriation plot, “not an ICO,” because of the idea of the contribution. Clients are purchasing a particular help bundle, some portion of which incorporates HT that give a rebate toward exchanging charges. The trade sent off the Huobi Token as a feature of a general system to recuperate its client base in the wake of fixing guidelines in China seriously limited digital currency exchanging. In a meeting with CoinDesk, Leon Li, Huobi’s organizer, uncovered that Chinese rule changes had crushed the exchanging volume on Huobi by 95% between September 15 and November 1, 2017.

The HT token circulation started on January 24 and wrapped up on February 7, 2018. Every day of the dispersion, a huge number of tokens sold out in only a short time subsequent to going on special. By then, 300 million HT had been appropriated to Huobi Pro individuals who purchased bundles. That’s 60% of the all out supply presently in open dissemination. Another 200 million HT, 40% of the complete stockpile, was saved. 20% goes toward client prizes and stage activity. The other 20% is vested for quite some time and comprises the group reward.

Huobi isn’t the principal trade to give its own token. Binance (BNB), Bibox (BIX), KuCoin (KCS) and Coss (COSS) have all given their own tokens as well.

PREÇO DO Huobi Token


  • +1.03%






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