Exchange Herbalist Token
PROJECTO_SYMBOL Preço Dados em Tempo Real
O preço ao vivo Herbalist Token hoje é $ 0.0000001 usd com um volume de negociação de 24 horas de $0 usd. Actualizamos o nosso HERB para preço usd em tempo real. Herbalist Token é down 0% nas últimas 24 horas. A classificação actual do coinmarketcap é #8994, com um preço de mercado vivo de $556 usd. Tem um fornecimento circulante de 5 560 000 000O HERB moedas e o máximo. Fornecimento de: de 9 510 000 000O HERB moedas.
What Is Herbalist Token (herb)?
We safeguard Rare Herb Farmers utilizing Blockchain innovation and make Rare Herbs available to everybody by making a Farmer to Consumer Marketplace.
Herbalist Token Project will take care of costly interesting spices issue by building a blockchain coordinated commercial center that will bring the ranchers and the purchasers together. In our foundation, any rancher will be capable rundown their items and find purchasers all over the planet effectively and quickly.
This will
• dispose of the intermediaries,
• cut the superfluous costs,
• increment the benefit of the growers,
• decline the cost of the item for the clients and
• make the uncommon spices more available to everyone.
Herbalist Token Project offers another stage to reduce the expenses and offer ranchers a chance to sell their items straightforwardly to the consumers.
PREÇO DO Herbalist Token
- 0%
Tampa do mercado
Fully Diluted Market Cap