Exchange EnviDa
PROJECTO_SYMBOL Preço Dados em Tempo Real
O preço ao vivo EnviDa hoje é $ 0.039 usd com um volume de negociação de 24 horas de $89 187 usd. Actualizamos o nosso EDAT para preço usd em tempo real. EnviDa é down -5.01% nas últimas 24 horas. A classificação actual do coinmarketcap é #4774, com um preço de mercado vivo de $421 381 usd. Tem um fornecimento circulante de 10 476 744O EDAT moedas e o máximo. Fornecimento de: de 44 923 064O EDAT moedas.
What Is EnviDa (edat)?
The EnviDa project has set itself the errand of making a decentralized answer for the assortment of delicate, future-applicable natural information. In light of our self-created DriveMining innovation, we are making a blockchain-based biological system that gives an all around the world free establishment to the assortment, stockpiling and use of versatile ecological information. The DriveMining framework along these lines works autonomously from the associated sensors and produces recurring, automated revenue for the separate client by mining digital forms of money. The fundamental thought behind this task is to prepare transportation organizations, for example, taxis, Uber or conveyance administrations with our DriveMiner framework, which can as of now be incorporated into cross breed and electric vehicles and will for all time mine different cryptocurrencies.
- -5.01%
Tampa do mercado
Fully Diluted Market Cap