Exchange CorgiSwap

PROJECTO_SYMBOL Preço Dados em Tempo Real

O preço ao vivo CorgiSwap hoje é $ 0.017 usd com um volume de negociação de 24 horas de $143 usd. Actualizamos o nosso CORIS para preço usd em tempo real. CorgiSwap é down 0% nas últimas 24 horas. A classificação actual do coinmarketcap é #, com um preço de mercado vivo de $0 usd.

What Is CorgiSwap (coris)?

CorgiSwap has a place with the Corgidoge environment. CorgiSwap assists holders with making the most out of their crypto in three ways:
-Trade: Instantly trade crypto tokens, no enlistment or record needed.
-Earn: Earn CORIS and different tokens for nothing with exorbitant premium rates.
-Win: CorgiSwap makes bringing in cash fun.

There's presently no hard cap on the stockpile of CORIS token, making it an inflationary token.
Community individuals frequently highlight this as a reason to worry, and keeping in mind that the culinary experts absolutely comprehend the wish for a hard cap, there's an integral explanation we don't anticipate setting one in the close future:
CORIS's essential capacity is to boost giving liquidity to the trade. Without block rewards, there would be considerably less motivating force to give liquidity (LP expenses and so forth would remain).

PREÇO DO CorgiSwap


  • 0%






Tampa do mercado



Fully Diluted Market Cap





Balanço: 0



Balanço: 0


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