Exchange SoccerHub

sch Harga Data Langsung

Harga live SoccerHub hari ini adalah $ 0.00015 usd dengan volume perdagangan 24 jam dari $148 usd. Kami memperbarui SCH kami ke harga usd secara real-time. SoccerHub adalah down 0% dalam 24 jam terakhir. Peringkat coinmarketcap saat ini adalah #3463, dengan kapitalisasi pasar langsung dari $30 121 usd. Ini memiliki pasokan sirkulasi 203 954 496 SCH koin dan maks. Pasokan dari 1 000 000 000 SCH koin.

Apakah SoccerHub (sch)?

SoccerHub is the very first play-to-earn multiplayer soccer manager game which is a combination of the traditional soccer manager games and the trending NFT games. With the ambition to bring users a unique NFT gaming experience, Soccer Hub is built with plenty of joyful gaming activities surrounding the NFT players and even with a betting system. As a play-to-earn game, SoccerHub users can enjoy playing Soccer Hub while earning $SCH tokens from trading, staking, winning matches or betting. In a nutshell, SoccerHub main features are Random NFT Soccer Player, Play-to-earn Game, Multi-chain Supported, and Marketplace with low fees. Thus, Soccer Hub aims to create a lasting circle game while building a sustainable community of soccer fans.



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