Exchange Ragnarok
RAGNA Harga Data Langsung
Harga live Ragnarok hari ini adalah $ 0.00046 usd dengan volume perdagangan 24 jam dari $0 usd. Kami memperbarui RAGNA kami ke harga usd secara real-time. Ragnarok adalah down 0% dalam 24 jam terakhir. Peringkat coinmarketcap saat ini adalah #, dengan kapitalisasi pasar langsung dari $0 usd. Ini memiliki pasokan sirkulasi 266 068 296 RAGNA koin dan maks. Pasokan dari 216 539 269 397 RAGNA koin.
Apakah Ragnarok (RAGNA)?
Ragnarok is a cryptographic money that is emphatically quicker, less expensive with multi-wallets, scrambled informing, low number of affirmations, and more adaptable than Bitcoin, it likewise a decentralized organization of Masternodes without pointless control and intermediaries/guardians with unadulterated PoS Block reward stage that will be divided among POS and MN to get exchange on the organization . Since the Masternodes are continually associated with the organization and play out specific undertakings, this permits the coin to accomplish quicker and more private transactions.
- 0%
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