Exchange Kobocoin
KOBO Harga Data Langsung
Harga live Kobocoin hari ini adalah $ 0.0052 usd dengan volume perdagangan 24 jam dari $0 usd. Kami memperbarui KOBO kami ke harga usd secara real-time. Kobocoin adalah down 0% dalam 24 jam terakhir. Peringkat coinmarketcap saat ini adalah #2875, dengan kapitalisasi pasar langsung dari $138 632 usd. Ini memiliki pasokan sirkulasi 49 954 343 KOBO koin dan maks. Pasokan dari 49 954 343 KOBO koin.
Apakah Kobocoin (KOBO)?
Kobocoin is an advanced cash and installment framework like Bitcoin, with an African legacy. All hubs confirm exchanges in a public dispersed record called the blockchain. The record utilizes its own unit of record, likewise called kobocoin(s).
The kobocoin blockchain is disseminated, to autonomously check the chain of responsibility for and each kobocoin sum. The wallet on your gadget is a hub. It attempts to keep up with the security and trustworthiness of the blockchain alongside any remaining hubs. There is no focal data set. This is the decentralized idea of the Kobocoin ecosystem.
- 0%
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