Exchange King Cardano
kada Harga Data Langsung
Harga live King Cardano hari ini adalah $ 0.0013 usd dengan volume perdagangan 24 jam dari $293 usd. Kami memperbarui KADA kami ke harga usd secara real-time. King Cardano adalah down 0% dalam 24 jam terakhir. Peringkat coinmarketcap saat ini adalah #, dengan kapitalisasi pasar langsung dari $0 usd.
Apakah King Cardano (kada)?
King Cardano is the ruler of tokens. This is the principal auto-guarantee ADA token with the most lucrative yields of up to 9%. Basically hold KADA tokens and get compensated in ADA on each transaction.
There’s NO pausing or need to guarantee your prizes. It happens quickly and automatically.
The longer you hold KADA tokens, the more you procure in remunerations and the nearer you are to turning into the King. Why settle for 7-8% rewards or sitting around idly for your prizes when we can remunerate holders right away with 9% from each BUY and SELL transaction!
Additionally, we the King Cardano convention prompts an ascent in cost on EVERY exchange. 3% of every exchange gets repurchased in the open market and consumed everlastingly, subsequently expanding the worth on everyone’s coins
- 0%
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