Exchange HAVAH

hvh Harga Data Langsung

Harga live HAVAH hari ini adalah $ 0.0027 usd dengan volume perdagangan 24 jam dari $83 309 usd. Kami memperbarui HVH kami ke harga usd secara real-time. HAVAH adalah down -6.08% dalam 24 jam terakhir. Peringkat coinmarketcap saat ini adalah #2655, dengan kapitalisasi pasar langsung dari $2 593 985 usd. Ini memiliki pasokan sirkulasi 973 870 498 HVH koin dan maks. Pasokan dari 10 000 000 000 HVH koin.

Apakah HAVAH (hvh)?

"HAVAH is a trustless interchain infrastructure that ables people to move their digital asset from one blockchain to the other in very easy and safe way. HAVAH is using heterogeneous relayer method to tranfer digital asset; therefore it is a lot safer and scalerable comapre to the other bridge or interchain service. In order to make it more secure and independent., we decided to have our own mainnet that is speicalized in interchain and multichain contents. One of our key interchain contents is game. This is why we build our own interchain game that accepts all different NFTs from different blockchain. We are going to provide not only the infrastructure that can move digital assets but also the contents to make people to move their assets."



  • -6.08%






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