Koin Hun

Temukan segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan kripto di kota Hun.


Between the fourth and sixth centuries AD, the nomadic Huns inhabited Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Eastern Europe. In accordance with European legend, they were initially noted to be residing east of the Volga River, in a region that at the time belonged to Scythia; the Huns' arrival is connected to the westward movement of an Iranian group known as the Alans. The Huns arrived on the Volga by 370 AD, and by 430 AD, they had established a sizable, if brief, rule in Europe. They had subjugated the Goths and numerous other Germanic peoples that resided outside of Roman frontiers, and they had driven many others into Roman territory. Under their King Attila in particular, the Huns often and brutally raided the Eastern Roman Empire. The Huns entered Italy in 452 after invading the Western Roman province of Gaul in 451. During the Battle of the Catalaunian Fields, they engaged a joint Roman and Visigothic force. Following the Battle of Nedao in 453, the Huns ceased to pose a significant danger to Rome and lost most of their empire. It is known that between the fourth and sixth century, descendants of the Huns—or successor groups with names identical to their own—occupied regions of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Up until the early eighth century, Hun name variations were documented in the Caucasus.

Koin Kota Terkemuka



Jakarta, Indonesia

312 Peserta· 4182 Tertarik


Paris, France

147 Peserta· 4147 Tertarik


Lagos, Nigeria

131 Peserta· 3215 Tertarik


Minneapolis, United States

102 Peserta· 2921 Tertarik


Dubai, United Arab Emirates

78 Peserta· 2293 Tertarik

Keuntungan dari Hun Koin Kota

Temukan keuntungan unik yang ditawarkan oleh koin kota Hun.

Dorong Konsumsi
Lokal di Hun

Meningkatkan ekonomi Hun dengan mendorong konsumsi lokal, menghindari relokasi dan meningkatkan kemampuan produsen untuk mempekerjakan.

Promote Hun Savings and
Local Wealth Creation

Mempromosikan penciptaan kekayaan lokal dan tabungan dengan validitas Koin Hun yang terbatas pada wilayah dan layanan kekuatan ekonomi lokal (toko-toko lokal kecil, produsen lokal, dll.).

Memfasilitasi Kerjasama

Memfasilitasi kerja sama ekonomi antara Anda, penduduk, dan Hun. Mendorong produsen kota untuk mengurangi transportasi produk dan mengambil tindakan melawan perubahan iklim.

Inisiatif Sosial

Menerima penghasilan dasar setiap bulan dengan berpartisipasi dalam aksi bersama - yang dipilih oleh komunitas Hun - untuk kebaikan kota.

Reduce Wealth
Inequality in Hun

Menyediakan sebagian besar Koin Hun yang baru diterbitkan kepada penduduk sebagai bentuk pendapatan dasar universal untuk mengurangi kesenjangan antara si kaya dan si miskin.

Protect Hun from International
Market Volatility

Tidak perlu khawatir tentang memicu spekulasi pasar dengan aset derivatif. Koin Hun meningkatkan wilayah di mana mereka dikelola, kehilangan semua nilai di luarnya.


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