
yfi Precio Datos en directo

El precio en tiempo real hoy es $ 6 702.65 usd con un volumen de negociación de 24 horas de $15 209 368 usd. Actualizamos el precio YFI a usd en tiempo real. es up 0.73% en las últimas 24 horas. El ranking actual de coinmarketcap es #267, con una capitalización de mercado en tiempo real de $223 979 647 usd. Tiene un suministro circulante de monedas 33 413 YFI y el suministro máximo de monedas 33 413 YFI. Suministro de monedas 36 666 YFI.

¿Qué es (yfi)?

Yearn Finance is a suite of products in Decentralized Finance (DeFi) that provides lending aggregation, yield generation, and insurance on the Ethereum blockchain. The protocol is maintained by various independent developers and is governed by YFI holders. It started out as a passion project by Andre Cronje to automate the process of switching capital between lending platforms in search of the best yield offered, as the lending yield is a floating rate rather than fixed rate. Funds are shifted between dYdX, AAVE, and Compound automatically as interest rates change between these protocols.  The service offered includes major USD tokens such as DAI, USDT, USDC, and TUSD. For example, if a user deposits DAI into, the user will receive yDAI token in return, which is a yield-bearing DAI token.  Later on, it collaborated with Curve Finance to release a yield-bearing USD tokens pool that includes four y-tokens: yDAI, yUSDT, yUSDC and yTUSD, it is named as yUSD.  Yearn Finance debuted the vault feature after its token launch, igniting a frenzy on automated yield farming and is considered the initiator of the category of yield farming aggregator. Basically, the vault will help users to claim yield farming rewards and sell it for the underlying assets.  Vaults benefit users by socializing gas costs, automating the yield generation and rebalancing process, and automatically shifting capital as opportunities arise. End users also do not need to have proficient knowledge of the underlying protocols involved or DeFi, thus the Vaults represent a passive-investing strategy. It is akin to a crypto hedge fund where the aim is to increase the amount of assets that users deposited. PRECIO

$6 702.65

  • +0.73%






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