Exchange Wrapped PKT

wpkt Precio Datos en directo

El precio Wrapped PKT en tiempo real hoy es $ 0.00097 usd con un volumen de negociación de 24 horas de $41 usd. Actualizamos el precio WPKT a usd en tiempo real. Wrapped PKT es down 0% en las últimas 24 horas. El ranking actual de coinmarketcap es #, con una capitalización de mercado en tiempo real de $0 usd.

¿Qué es Wrapped PKT (wpkt)?

"PKT is a new blockchain controlled by PacketCrypt, the world’s first data transmission hard verification of work (PoW). PKT cloned Bitcoin code and afterward supplanted the PoW with PacketCrypt, which requires data transmission and encryption, not the high energy calculation of Bitcoin and Ethereum PoWs.

The PKT Network pays individuals in PKT Cash at regular intervals to interface transfer speed and equipment to keep up with and scale the organization. This people group support means to keep the organization foundation decentralized.

The reason for the PKT project is to construct a worldwide decentralized ISP controlled by individuals who are boosted to associate with the organization. This framework fueled by individuals will likewise empower individuals to get onto the web without paying a customary ISP. This is achieved by means of cross section organizing utilizing cjdns and PKT Network.

PKT Cash is a local area coin: there is no organization, no CEO and no VC investment.

At the center of PKT is the innovation called cjdns which PKT lead dev Caleb James DeLisle sent off in 2011. Cjdns empowers individuals who have the web to be a door to the web for individuals to gain admittance to the web without paying a unified ISP (you can associate P2P through other cjdns passage nodes).

(Part of) PHASE 1 of PKT is individuals adapting their web associations (happening currently through mining). (Part of) PHASE 2 is entryways having the option to give nearby web admittance to their neighbors by means of confined network organizations (around the world) utilizing cjdns technology.

PKT likewise has a Network Steward, which is a wallet addresses chose by POS vote, where 20% of each mined square is paid, and 100 percent of the assets are conceded to the local area at regular intervals to assemble open source innovation for the organization, or, more than likely the coins are singed. More than 10% of the mined coin supply has been scorched to date.



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