Exchange Tales Of Chain

tale Precio Datos en directo

El precio Tales Of Chain en tiempo real hoy es $ 0.00008 usd con un volumen de negociación de 24 horas de $392 usd. Actualizamos el precio TALE a usd en tiempo real. Tales Of Chain es down 0% en las últimas 24 horas. El ranking actual de coinmarketcap es #, con una capitalización de mercado en tiempo real de $0 usd.

¿Qué es Tales Of Chain (tale)?

Tales of Chain is a play-to-procure game where players take on in amazing conflicts utilizing uncommonly planned cards of beasts and curios. Stories of Chain depends on the NFT token environment, which is important for the blockchain foundation - Binance Smart Chain (BSC).

Tales of Chain group comprises of game engineers, crypto aficionados, and experienced planners, who met up to make their brainchild - a one of a kind game motivated by the Blizzard universe.

The fundamental objective of an advancement group was to make a completely feasible environment in light of the symbolic utility. Story token is the local Tales of Chain token that is intended to be the in-game money of:

Purchase and redesign of NFT cards/packs
Rewards - procuring awards by playing the game
Access to tournaments
Vote in-game administration choices - proposing, casting a ballot, partaking in game development
Staking and holding

The game acquaints a play-with acquire (P2E) model to players so they are able:

To get significant prizes by taking an interest and winning in competitions, PvP, and PvE battles
To acquire by utilizing the game’s local commercial center for exchanging options
To acquire TALE tokens and different shortage NFT cards by utilizing marking options
To get compensations for holding NFTs in the game wallet
To acquire tokens by renting cards to other players

Tales Of Chain PRECIO


  • 0%






Capitalización bursátil



Capitalización bursátil totalmente diluida





Saldo: 0



Saldo: 0


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