Exchange TacoCat Token

tct Precio Datos en directo

El precio TacoCat Token en tiempo real hoy es $ 0.0000053 usd con un volumen de negociación de 24 horas de $1 004 usd. Actualizamos el precio TCT a usd en tiempo real. TacoCat Token es down 0% en las últimas 24 horas. El ranking actual de coinmarketcap es #, con una capitalización de mercado en tiempo real de $9 180 646 usd. Tiene un suministro circulante de monedas 817 992 424 TCT y el suministro máximo de monedas 817 992 424 TCT. Suministro de monedas 995 265 152 TCT.

¿Qué es TacoCat Token (tct)?

TacoCat Token (TCT) is the backbone of the TacoCat Ecosystem and is written using a BSC smart contract that was custom-bult from the ground up by the The Tacocat Co, and audited by employees at TechRate. TCT provides for a custom and dynamic transaction fee which offers developers flexibility for future upgrades and holders enhanced security among use-cases. Because the transaction fee is dynamic, It is adjusted over time, and therefor the most updated transaction fee will always be displayed on our site. ( Dynamic Taxation System. At TCT we have a dynamic Taxation system that can adapt to market and our project as the time goas on. Our Current Taxation are distributed as 9% on Buys and 9% on Sells. 44% Of the Transaction fees go into Liquidity This is used to provide Liquidity to promote stability in the token value. 44.4% of the Transaction fees go into TacoShell The flagship feature of the Tacocat Token Smart Contract. This is our buyback feature that helps us reinvest in TCT or swap for marketing funds. This pays out reflection in BNB. 11.6% of Transaction fee go into Reflections. Reflection is distributed among holders proportionally As the development of the TacoCat Ecosystem progresses and gains functionality, the utility of TCT increases. With an increase in TCT utility, investor faith and TCT value increases as well, resulting in an increase of volume. These increases in volume and TCT value grow the marketing and development budget derived from the transaction fee, thus funding further development of the ecosystem and helps to secure larger and more exclusive brand deals - leading to the release of new consumer products, NFT's, games, and content to be exclusively accessed using TCT. With our new WildCard: Play to earn NFT based blockchain game, profits from the game will be reinvested into Tacocat (TCT) to keep a steady growth between Tacocat Token and all its projects. When holders conduct transactions within the ecosystem, they are provided further rewards and additional exclusive access to the products and content that are the fruits of these business partnerships and brand deals

TacoCat Token PRECIO


  • 0%






Capitalización bursátil



Capitalización bursátil totalmente diluida





Saldo: 0



Saldo: 0


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